I hear your requests to blog about Replica bags 101.
How to buy a good replica bag.
Also got request on Wardrobe essentials, Majority carries the Vote! Request for wardrobe essential won by 9 votes so today I will put a blog together about the essentials every woman must have in a wardrobe.
The goal is to make more out of what we already have in our wardrobes not going all out to get a full new wardrobe even if you can afford it.
Be a little more patient until it comes and since y'all view it a lot please leave comments even criticism if any.
Its encouraging to have a conversation after all the hardwork hehehe, so I know if I am doing it right or wrong. I am also open to suggestions!
I know I know! I'm guilty of the same, I read a lot of blogs and lurk around the corner without leaving comments too.. But I am changing now as I understand communication is not a one way transfer.
Alright ladies.. see you in a little bit!
If you are new here then, here is a link to my Facebook Page:
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